How can I help fight human trafficking?

Read a good book. Fight human trafficking.

It’s still January, which means it’s still National Slavery and Human Trafficking Month. So, how can you help fight human trafficking?


First, buy a copy of An Angel and a One-Armed Man. For every copy sold, I’ll donate half of my profits to an organization that fights human trafficking. I will do this through 2022 and 2023.

Next, read the book. I hope by reading An Angel and a One-Armed Man that you’ll learn a little about human trafficking. Often, Hollywood and many writers try to glorify prostitution by making it look like women choose this life. According to, 80% of women trapped in prostitution want out. 90% of prostitutes worldwide serve a pimp. We can help rescue women and girls from their nightmare.

Next, review the book on and/or Quantity of reviews on Amazon is one of the important factors that helps sell more books. Obviously, good quality writing helps, but reviews are important. Good, bad, or indifferent. Not only can reviews help sell books, but reviews can help us writers write better.

Finally, share the book with your friends and your social media contacts. Help them get into the fight against human trafficking as well.

Let’s make this fun. Post to my Facebook author page pictures of you buying, reading, reviewing or sharing the book. How creative can you get? I look forward to seeing your pictures.

We can help end the scourge of human trafficking. I’m trying to do my part. I urge you to help out as well.