Book Review of Moonlight Awakens: a sex-trafficking story by John Matthew Walker

This must-read book hits justice and redemption, and hits both hard. Everyone needs to read this especially if you’re one of those who still doesn’t think human trafficking is a big thing in America. I was reading an article the other day posted in the Healthcare Blog, where a survivor of trafficking was talking with a psychiatrist and the shrink told her human trafficking is only in other countries and in movies. I was shocked a medical professional would believe that. Walker’s book should drive that impression out of anyone.

This book is raw, brutal, and a tough read, but it’s also clean. It’s told from the point of view of several characters, but mostly by Emma, a victim of sex-trafficking. We get a first-person account of someone being used and abused. It starts early and shows how Emma gets lured into the life, and then follows her through trials and tribulations within the life.

We also see the point of view of Michael, a Christian young man who has an encounter with Emma and Bliss (one of the other girls in the same stable Emma is in). This encounter changes his life and suddenly Michael finds himself needing to help these girls, if he can.

The book does an excellent job of highlighting not only the trauma a girl who is trafficked goes through but also the consequences of those who use these girls for illicit sex. Lives are ruined and we see that in this book.

Besides being a raw account of sex-trafficking trauma it’s also a compelling story that kept me wanting to read to find out what would happen. It’s a thriller and has many moments of high suspense.

If you’re a stickler for police procedure then there are some areas that won’t sit well with you. But the story is compelling enough that those things didn’t bother me. Walker took the route of bringing in the worst possible situations in many cases, including dealing with the police.

Despite being from the point of view of a trafficked victim, there is no profanity, the sex is implied and not on page, and the violence is only what is necessary to keep the story exciting. It’s the mental state these girls go through that is the most fascinating. Watching Emma move through the phases of the life is heartbreaking, but eye-opening. I applaud Mr. Walker for this book. It could not have been easy to write, but I’m glad he did.

As far as ranking, I’m putting this one a close second for this year. Right behind Right Behind You. However, as far as must read, this ranks number one.


Book Rankings for 2022

  1. Right Behind You by Lisa Gardner
  2. Moonlight Awakens by John Matthew Walker
  3. Win by Harlen Coben
  4. Murder Board by Brian Shea
  5. The Man Burned by Winter by Pete Zacharias
  6. You Are Invited by Sarah A Denzil
  7. Girl, Alone by Blake Pierce
  8. One Night in Sedona by Carrie Latimer.
  9. Coffin Cove by Jackie Elliott

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