Book Review of One Night in Sedona by Carrie Latimer 

This one rings the justice bell. No vengeance, no redemption. 

It’s a quick read. Mixes a love at first sight story with suspense in the Arizona town of Sedona. The main character is a photographer named Seddy – which is a nickname for Sedona. She was named after the town, where her mother and father met. However, she doesn’t really know her father. She’s attending a photography conference, where before the conference, as she’s walking into the motel, she meets the man she says she’s going to marry, Logan. 

Things start to happen. At a restaurant that she and Logan go to, someone is murdered. While that is happening, Seddy is taking pictures. If you guessed she took a picture that involved the murder, you’d be right. And that’s the rest of the story. Someone wants that picture destroyed.  

The story is predictable, but maybe because I’m a writer of the same types of stories. The disclosure by the villain was stilted. I’m not a fan of the villain soliloquys, telling the hero (though in this case, she’s not really the hero) why he or she did what they did. Not sure the type of villain in this case would really bother explaining.  

There is a big coincidence that is pivotal to the story and though I saw it coming a mile away, I still liked it. The book is really a novella and It’s only $0.99, so worth picking up and reading. 

Some mild profanity. No on page sex and minimal violence. 

It won’t rank above Win. 

Book Rankings for 2022 

  1. Win by Harlen Coben 
  2. One Night in Sedona by Carrie Latimer.  

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