Book Review of Save The Girls by Terry Toler

This is the book that stole my title, so I wanted to come away from reading it with a scathing review of a horrible book. Well…neither of those things is true. First, he didn’t steal my title, as this book came out before my title was publicly made known. And second, it’s a good book and this review won’t be scathing.

First, this book definitely rings the justice bell. And there’s redemption in small bits with some of the girls being saved. Even a Belarus cop redeems himself.

This is a spy thriller. Jamie Austen is a CIA agent whose task is breaking up human trafficking rings and saving girls from that horrible life. The book starts in Thailand with Jamie doing just that. Saving one more girl before she wraps up that case.

She goes on vacation – takes a cruise. She meets Alex, who will have his own novels in the Terry Toler series. I’ll go ahead and tell you as, at least to me, it was obvious, he’s also CIA, sent to keep an eye on her. They end up working against each other, then with each other, then…who knows what the next books will bring.

The bulk of the story takes place in Belarus. Jamie is sent there to “just” gather information. Of course, if that’s all she did, it would be a pretty boring story. So, no, that’s not all she does. Jamie gets a little more hands on, I’ll just say.

There is zero hard profanity. “Hell” is said a couple times, but that’s it. No explicit sex and only a hint of off-screen sex. Some gun violence and some hand-to-hand violence. Jamie is not someone to mess with.

One could classify this novel as a Christian spy thriller. Why do I say that? First, Terry Toler is a minister. He’s written a number of Christian non-fiction books as well as quite a few fiction novels. This is the first book in a series of nine Jamie Austen spy thrillers. Toward the end, a woman that works for the Save The Girls organization – a fictional group dedicated to helping human traffic victims – says to Jamie, “You know God is using you to do incredible things.” The conversation goes on a little more indicating Jamie is a Christian herself.

So, if you’re in the market for a Christian spy thriller, this series looks to be a good one. Here’s my current rankings of the books I’ve reviewed. The Water Keeper stays on top, though. If you haven’t read that one, you should.


Book Rankings for 2021

  1. The Water Keeper – continues to stay strong.
  2. Save the Girls
  3. Choose Me
  4. The Suriname Job
  5. Missing Sister

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