Book Review of The Suriname Job: A Case Lee Novel by Vince Milam.

This one hits the justice tick mark and somewhat the vengeance tick mark. I didn’t really see much redemption going on in this book.

If you’re into books with ex-army rangers, ex-navy seals, or in this case ex-Delta Force becoming private investigators, then you’ll probably like this book. Case Lee is a former member of Delta Force, now an investigator for a shadowy group of wealthy businessmen in Switzerland. The book has Russian spies, CIA, other shadowy characters that help Case out and former members of his Delta Force team.

It’s first person narrated and the first in the series of Case Lee novels. And Case doesn’t come across as the stereotypical tough guy. Don’t get me wrong. He has skills and he uses them, often. He’s not afraid to throw himself into the fray, doesn’t back down from any fights, and seeks out the battles that happen in the book. But he also displays a sensitive side. This is mostly seen in his interactions with his mother and autistic sister.

In my review on The Water Keeper by Charles Martin, (Read here) I mentioned how Murph, the main character, was revealed to the reader slowly. We learned new things about him all the way through, even in the ending chapter. Not so much Case Lee. In the first fifteen pages, we get pretty much 90% of his life story. And there’s a nifty bar fight thrown in for action. I did enjoy that because it’s one of those scenes where some jerk is treating a woman bad and Case steps in to set the jerk right.

Case jets off to exotic places, in this case Suriname. Yes, I had to look it up to find out where it is. South America. Like I mentioned above, Case is an investigator whose main job is to go into these countries and observe the political climate and anything going on that may have positive or negative impacts on business – whatever business this group of people that hires him is into. They seem to be an Illuminati type group. Of course, during this routine investigation, Case manages to get himself in trouble and the guns start blasting.

One key thread that runs through is that he and his teammates have a target on their back due to their Delta Force activities. This thread leads to an interesting turn of events and, of course, a great gun battle toward the end.

Plenty of action. Some profanity. No explicit sex. All in all, an entertaining read. And if you like this one Mr. Milam has seven other Case Lee books.

Book Rankings for 2021

1. The Water Keeper

2. The Suriname Job

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