Do Readers Care about Point of View?

Do Readers Care about Point of View?

Do Readers Care about Point of View? Note: This article is for writers, but I’m also interested in hearing from readers. Do you notice point of view? Do you have preferences around point of view? Does it matter? Please read the article and leave a comment. ...
Do Readers Care about Point of View?

My Writing Technique: Scene Ahead Blog on ACFW

Scene Ahead Approach Some writers are plotters. They write a detailed outline of the entire story before writing a scene. Some writers are pantsers. They write with no outline and no idea where they are going. I started as a plotter. I wrote a wonderful ten-chapter...
The Marble Hill Crime Blotter Origins

The Marble Hill Crime Blotter Origins

The Marble Hill Crime Blotter Origins A number of years ago, I was browsing the internet looking at police cases for story ideas when I came across one in which the main clue was some blood splotches on a cat. That tidbit sparked an idea for a story. For that story, I...
The Five Best Clean Crime Fiction Books

The Five Best Clean Crime Fiction Books

The five best crime fiction books without profanity, on page sex, or gratuitous violence has some interesting lists. Previously, I posted my three favorite reads of last year. Along with best of year lists, has different authors that pick a...