Movie Review of Blacklight starring Liam Neeson

A much better movie than Liam Neeson’s last one I reviewed, Marksman. This one had plenty of justice and a good dose of redemption. Nice to see a story where someone changes their life around. Neeson is a tough guy, but not quite back to the character he played in Taken.

Travis Block, played by Neeson, is an off the books fixer for the FBI, reporting to the director. He “saves lost souls” as the director describes his job. Don’t get excited. Nothing Christian about this movie. The second scene shows Block rescuing an undercover female agent who was outed as she infiltrated a white supremist group. He’s also responsible for bringing in undercover agents who have gone off the rails.

The movie starts with an up-and-coming politician getting killed. A reporter, Mira Jones, played by Emily Raver-Lampman (from The Umbrella Academy – Allison) thinks there’s more to the death than an accident. Don’t worry, not a spoiler, as the audience knows the killing was not an accident. One point against the movie. Might have been more powerful to leave the politician’s death a mystery. By the way, the politician, Sophia Flores, bears an uncanny resemblance to AOC. This death becomes the lynchpin the story revolves around.

Block’s next big job is bringing in an agent who has gone rogue. This agent tries several times to contact Mira Jones and tell her about things going on in the FBI that don’t sit well with him. There’s a great chase scene where Dusty Crane, the rogue agent, steals a garbage truck and is chased by Block in his Charger. Another actor of note is Aidan Quinn, who plays the FBI director. For those Elementary fans, he was the lieutenant that worked with Holmes and Watson. Loved that show.

This one has good suspense, a bit of a mystery, plenty of action. The ending, though, came a little too easy for me. It seemed they wanted to wrap the movie up and so didn’t put many twists and turns at the end. I kept expecting a shoe to drop, but it never did. Other than that, I enjoyed the film and was happy to see Liam Neeson back to being a tough guy.

The movie is rated PG-13. No sex. The violence is television cop show violence. You know, someone gets shot and there’s a little blood, but not much else. The profanity is scattered. It doesn’t get in the way. Worth the watch. It’s on Amazon Prime if you have that.

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